
Daily attendance is crucial for student success and academic progress. Consistent attendance allows students to engage in lessons, participate in discussions, and access critical instructional time, which enhances their understanding of subjects and promotes learning continuity. Regular attendance helps students build strong study habits, discipline, and responsibility, fostering a sense of commitment to their education. Additionally, it enables teachers to assess student performance and provide timely support where needed. Frequent absences can lead to gaps in knowledge and hinder social development, making it harder for students to catch up. In the long term, daily attendance also sets a foundation for success in future academic and professional pursuits, reinforcing the value of reliability and consistency.

Students arriving at school late are considered tardy or truant.  A student arriving to class late with an excused pass from the attendance office is not considered tardy.  A student who arrives to class late without a pass from the attendance office is considered tardy or truant.

Our procedure is a period by period attendance check, which is posted by each individual teacher. Each day, we know the period or periods that a student has missed.  A school message machine calls home daily on any student missing one or more classes for the previous day.

Absences must be cleared within 72 hours by parents or guardians. Absences not cleared 72 hours after the absence are considered unexcused. Unverified absences or truancy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.