English Language Arts

English courses are a central part of the curriculum, designed to build students’ literacy, communication, and critical thinking skills. These courses typically include the study of literature, language, and composition, emphasizing reading comprehension, analytical writing, and verbal communication. Students explore a variety of texts, from classic literature to contemporary works, and learn to construct arguments, interpret themes, and evaluate diverse perspectives.



Deslauriers, Gregg

AP EngLang/Comp, CSU/EAP ExpRdWr 12, English 10

Wake, Damara

ELD 450, ELD 450 Adv

Whitesitt, Terra

CSU/Exp RdWr 11, English 9H

Hicks, Michael

CSU/EAP ExpRdWr 12

Manwarren, Stacey

English 10, English 11

Mello, Daniel

English 9, English 11, Humanities

Turner, Hannah

English 10, English 9

Mello, Sarah

Intensive ELA, English 9

Skinner, Jacob

CCC English, English 10H, English 10

Valle, Amanda

English 9, English 11

English Artwork