Transportation Policies
California Code of Regulation, Title 5 Section 14103, Authority of the Driver:
Pupils transported in a school bus or in a school pupil activity bus shall be under the authority of, and be responsible directly to, the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, highway or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus enroute between home and school or other destinations.
California Code of Regulations, Title 13 Section 1217, Transportation of Passengers:
The driver of a school bus shall not eject any school pupil unless the pupil is given into the custody of a parent, or any person designated by the parent or school.
These regulations apply at all times students are riding on a school bus. This includes field trips and all other special trips. It is the responsibility of all school personnel, parents/guardians and the students themselves to see that these regulations are followed.
Riding the bus is a privilege, not a guaranteed right.
A note signed by the parent/guardian requesting their student get off the bus at a stop other than their designated stop must be submitted to the school office. The office will give the student a bus pass which must be presented to the bus driver upon entering the bus. The request must not require the bus to go off its route or require an additional stop.
If the student is being picked up by the parent/guardian at school, the parent/guardian must be at the school prior to the student boarding the bus. Approval must be given to the driver by the school office or the transportation department to release a student from the bus after boarding. Students will not be released to anyone not listed on their emergency card.